Is there any Jailbreaks for ios 6.0.1?

I have an iphone 4s, ios 6.0.1 software. I know there isn't any jailbreaks that untethered but is there any at all? If there's put a link so i can download it.

Yes there'
go to once your on it click on it then it will let you download this app called CYDIA. Once you got it click on your app then you got your ipod jailbroken

No, actually doesn't work, except for devices running iOS 4 or below. Also, because the iPhone 4S has an A5 chip, there isn't even a tethered jailbreak yet. There's a tethered jailbreak for iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G, but nothing for the 4S or 5. But I would keep an eye on Redsn0w, Greenpois0n, and Absinthe updates, they are usually the first ones to come out with jailbreaks for new firmwares.

Last I checked there was only a tethered jailbreak available for 6.0.1 (snowbreeze). I tried using it the other day and it caused my phone all kinds of "hiccups." I'm just going to wait for a more stable jailbreak to be released as of now.