Is there any music apps that works without data or Wi-Fi?
I have an iPhone 5 and my cellular data got cut off because I used it all. Is there any app I can download on Wi-Fi, that when I'm not around Wi-Fi I can use for music?
Do you have tmobile? If so spotify and pandora work for free only without data.
Nope. Apple doesn't like those apps. You can, however, download the songs onto your computer and transfer the songs to your iPhone through iTunes.
And La.'s answer is slightly misleading. You do need data to listen to music. Your phone can't just magically receive Internet content without an Internet connection. What he means is that T-Mobile started this thing where music streaming doesn't use up your data. Even if you used up all of your monthly data, your music streaming will not be impacted, as long as you're streaming from an approved service, like Pandora, Spotify, and Apple Music among a few others.
Its the stock Music app & you download the music through the iTunes app.
You may find lots of music app in iTunes and also you must Install Leo Privacy Guard to in order to make your device utmost secure.
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