Is there anywhere I can watch season 3 of the walking dead on my iPhone?

I just finished watching season 2 on Netflix but they don't have season 3. I checked Directv's website and it looked like they had the last 3 episodes and none of the others. I'd there a reason why AMC doesn't want anyone to be able to watch season 3?

If you go on you can watch it and anything else but not your iphone because it doesn't supporte flash so it sucks but it works good the website


This site should be able to work on your iPhone, i'm not too sure.

AMC are probably wanting to cut down on Piracy (It's not working very well.)

I wonder that as well, and i found a solution. Go to or or or or where you want or know and try to find either,, movpod. In or and it should work. These platforms do not need flash player so you can watch it without a problem.