Is there much difference between 3G and 4g Internet?

I'm looking to get and iphone 5 and seen some deals on 3G which is a lot cheaper than 4g. Is there a lot of difference?

Yes… Think of a Honda Civic doing 35 mph on a street. That normal 3G… Now think of Honda Civic doing 55mph on a highway. Thats 4G HSPA (also known as Fake 4G--See Tmobile, and parts of ATT/Sprint)… Now think of a sports car doing 75mph on a interstate. Thats 4G LTE (also known as True 4G---See Verizon and parts of ATT/Sprint).

So… Ask yourself… "how fast do I want my internet and apps to be on my new smartphone". You answer points to the service and phone you want.

Personally, i'm power hungry and impatient… 10000000000000000000% Droid RAZR MAXX HD 4G LTE on Verizon here!

Yes. Speed is a big difference between the 2.

4g is faster than 3g however if you don't live in a large urban area then your provider is only going to offer 3g