Is this a good idea?

He wants me to buy two iPhones for him because he's not 18 yet he's 17. It's for some people he know, he sell iPhones to people. Should I do this?

A good idea for WHO? Why would anyone do that? What's wrong with your English, and why are you posting anonymously?

I would ask for the money upfront so I don't get scammed.


He sounds like a drug dealer stay away


Bad idea.

Don't do it.

You need to improve your judgement so you won't need to ask about stuff like this in the future.

If "he" has the money then "he" can buy a phone "SIM Free" for himself even at 17! If you are talking contract phones then you are going to be stuck with LEGALLY BINDING contracts, and "he" makes money from whoever he sells the phones to and from you - while you end up massively out of pocket. Worse still if these are then used as untraceable you could end up being charged as an accessory to crime(s).

Very very bad idea. Don't do it.

Shortly after an iPhone release you can make money this way. However as the current phones were released a few months ago I doubt it would be profitable unless there are still shortages.

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