Is this website legit?

I've been looking upon websites to buy an IPhone 7 Plus and looking for the cheaper prices and stumbled upon this account.

The website has no reviews, a weird About Us, and seems sketchy.

$171 for an IPhone 7 Plus is VERY cheap along with it being 128GB is fishy. Never heard of this website but would like feedback as to if I should buy from this website.

No, that is 100% a scam site. Why would any legit company be selling a a brand new phone for $171 when it's actually worth $870? Surely that alone is a big sign it's a scam

If it seems sketchy avoid it

Nope, if you look at the about info ot's all very iffy. Then if you use a WhoIs search you find that it's a cheap "GoDaddy" site and the owner info is not set up correctly.

Good tip, if you want to check the legitamcy of a site look for return addresses, and contact details. If there are no return addresses or contact details who are you going to contact if things go wrong!

No! IPhone 7+ 128gb is well known as a POS. For whatever reason (Google it) they are not good. Bought one from BestBuy and had to take it back because of problems.


It's not. I'll use norton website check.

If you feel that it's sketchy and you shouldn't do it, maybe you shouldn't do it. Now if it was an iPhone 6s, maybe. But not an iPhone 7. IPhone 7 Plus at that.

Trust your gut.

No, and anyone with a whit of sense would know that if it sounds too good to be true, it is. What they are probably out to do is get your credit card info and send you absolutely frickin' Nothing, or a 10year old phone from a recycle bin. Get a clue, already.

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