Is this what a sorority is supposed to be like?

Hi! I'm a senior and graduating in a couple weeks. I dropped out of the sorority two months ago because I didn't enjoy it anymore and the people "in charge" were falsely persecuting me. In short, I sent in my excuse for an event as I was out of town. They asked for proof (aka my location via iPhone), which I did. However, they continued stalking me on social media through others (I don't have them on social media) and they called me in to a meeting accusing me of lying. They told me my chicken and waffles dish looked like it was from a local restaurant, but it wasn't. So we argued for over an hour, with me telling them off and dropping because I was not gonna "lie" to them and say I lied about being out of town when I was really out of town lol. I was not gonna pay 300 bucks (200 for missing the event and 100 for disrespectful behavior). That was the end of things, but I still had to pay my dues. I paid my dues and thought it was over. Fast forward, my friend invited me to her/our last formal as her date, and you can bring ANYONE as your date. They told me I couldn't go because of rules and they messaged my friend to not take me, which they never did. For some reason, the whole senior class, who I thought were my friends, turned against me and are spreading vicious lies. I'm actually afraid they'll boo me off the stage at graduation infront of my family. The only thing I did wrong was cursing the president off, but everyone else thinks either wise. Is this normal?

Yes, behavior like that is completely normal, proven through all of current college. Your school counselor might be able to suggest some things for you. I'm actually surprised that you didn't know it would all turn out like this, as shallow and stupid and wrong has been the major message from every fraternity for the last 40 years.

I think sorority's shouldn't exist. All they are is some extension of the popular girls club from high school. And along with that, is the pressure to conform. Think they were created so women could find a good husband. To them, how dare you not enjoy it anymore. That's rejecting them. I think you should realise that you are a better human being than they are for rejecting this stupid club and telling off the president (well done, that)

Haha this was funny lol.