Is unlimited data plan really necessary (iPhone)?

My T-Mobile contract runs out really soon, so I'm thinking about switching to either Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint.

From what I've heard, Verizon and AT&T have the best coverage in terms of map (but I live in a fairly populated area, and not in the middle of no where - so that shouldn't be much of a problem for any of the carriers I decide to choose).

I've also heard that Verizon and AT&T no longer offer unlimited data plans which I think is a terrible idea on their part. Sprint, from what I know, still offers unlimited data plans, which is attracting me towards them as of right now.

What I'd really like to know, though, is how necessary is an unlimited data plan? Can someone put into perspective what kinds of activities I'd have to do on my iPhone or iPad in order to run up all of the data?

I commute to the city four days a week. So if I had internet on my iPhone, I would most likely tether it to my iPad and watch a movie to the city every day, and maybe read e-books, browse the internet, everyday on the way back. I'd probably also use Pandora frequently on my iPhone and other apps like Facebook and YouTube on my iPhone and iPad, respectively.

Do you think for these types of activities I should consider going with Sprint for an unlimited data plan? Or would I be fine with one of the limited data plans that Verizon and AT&T offer?

I just need someone to put into perspective how much data I'd actually be using. Maybe I don't even need the unlimited data plan?

You definitely need unlimited data because you are charged exorbitant prices if you go over your data limit when you don't ave unlimited data.

What uses a lot of data are games and video streaming. But to be sure, you can use the data calculator here in these sites:

AT&T -
Verizon -

This can help you see if you need an unlimited data plan or can opt or not. You can also compare both data calculators and see if they show similar results. You can also easily compare mobile plans through comparison websites

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