It's been over two days since Trump's last tweet
Do you think that the zookeeper took away his iPhone? Or, is he just constipated?
He tweeted about DACA this morning. Try to keep up.
Probably busy playing his x box.
Well, he is full of ****, so I guess the constipated thing applies.
- Why won't Donald Trump follow White House security protocols for the iPhone he uses to tweet and view news? NOTE: Trump has a separate iPhone for making calls and other White House communications that does follow the security protocols.
- When should i be expecting my order? Do i have to wait a total 4-5 days being that Saturday and Sunday aren't business days? I ordered an Iphone 6s plus and an Iphone 7 plus from sprint on Friday (today s Sunday). The website said that it was a 2-3 business day shipment/delivery time frame… As you know Saturday and Sunday aren t business days. When should i be expecting my phones? Will i get the between Tuesday and Thursday?
- Trump hasn't tweeted in over 24 hours This from a guy who has done so 6 to 8 times a day since the beginning of his presidency. Have the zookeepers finally confiscated his iPhone?
- Trump has been warned his IPhone is not secure but he refuses to not use it, China is listening to Hannity tell Trump what to do. Is Trump? Spewing State Secrets to China? Doesn't Trump Tweet on his IPhone whenever he is alone? Mornings and Nights