It's my mom trying to get me to upset my stepmom?

I'm 15. I have been living with my dad and stepmom since I was 5. My mom has been in and out of my life. My mom bought me a new iPhone and she put it on her plan. My Mom told me I can have it but my stepmom is not allowed to touch it and she is not allowed to through my call logs or text messages. My mom said I'm you mother not her, your my my daughter not hers and she doesn't have a right to tell you what you can and can't do. This is annoying me because my mom has always these kind of conditions. I don't want the stupid iPhone because it's going cause problems. It's like she always trying to get me to upset my stepmom.

If you don't want it, then you don't have to have it. Kindly tell her you don't want the phone because you feel it puts you in between them. That's not a comfortable spot for you to be in and she shouldn't have put you in the middle.

I understand what your mom is trying to do. You're her baby and nobody else's. Someone else is going to be raising her child and it probably makes her feel conflicted? She more than likely want the upper hand over your stepmom.

Your stepmother does have the right to tell you what to do since you live with her. Your mother has no right to set such conditions. Either refuse the phone or ignore her conditions. There's no way your mom would know if she "touched" the phone.

I would hope not

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