ITunes not properly working when starting up with windows 7?
This is a problem I have had for a fairly long time. Have tried a number of things, but nothing seems to work.
I have iTunes set so that it will start when Windows does (windows 7). I have done this by putting the shortcut of iTunes in the windows 'Startup' folder in the start menu. I have it set like this so that it will automatically sync/backup my iPhone every time I turn on the computer (simple enough).
For some weird reason, when iTunes starts up with Windows, it can't detect any devices (over Wi-Fi or USB), it can't connect to iTunes store (doesn't even try loading. Just sits on a blank page with "iTunes Store" plastered over it) and it can't have any new songs loaded into the library (shows songs as being added, but just sits there with the unloaded song greyed out on the list).
When I force close the iTunes process in Task Manager then re-open iTunes again, everything works as it should. Also, if I take it out of the Startup folder, and manually open it every time, it works fine too.
Any ideas as to why it refuses to work properly with an automatic start up?
Added (1). @ELfaGeek: Yes, I knkow that it auto opens when you plug it in via USB. But I want it to automatically sync and backup the iphone, over Wi-Fi, without having to be prompted to do so. Since I don't regularly plug it into USB, then it won't sync/backup automatically.
Remove iTunes from the Startup folder, now.
iTunes has a Setting that automatically SYNCS your iPhone every time you connect your iPhone to your PC, via USB.
In fact, when you connect your iPhone, iTunes automatically starts, too. That is unless you disabled the Auto-start feature in iTunes Settings. (<= This is your real problem.)
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