ITunes won't load my music library?

I have an HP Laptop and iTunes version 10. My music library is no where to be found and when I try to sync my iPhone I get an error message… Any ideas? I have NOT deleted anything so I'm confused as to where it all went.

Added (1). It won't let me upgrade… Every time I check for an available upgrade then try to do so, it just brings me back to the main itunes screen.

and when I search my computer for itunes all my music and apps show up. How can I get them back in itunes arranged as they were before?

Upgrade iTunes to 11.

There are three steps to repair itunes problem

If you've got itunes problem then there's a 94% chance that the pc has registry issues. In order to fix itunes error you should follow this steps listed below:

* Step 1 - Get a itunes error repair application, set up this error repair program.
* Step 2 - Simply click this Repair All Button.It'll scan your computer for Free.
* Step 3 - After that just click the Repair All Button again and you completed! It is very quick to fix itunes error.

Here are the url of itunes problem repair tool

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