I've dropped my iPhone 5 in the bath, what should i do?

So basically i was on my phone and i had it on my chest and i was writing with people on whatsapp
I was writing with my right hand n i was using my left index finger to keep it in place
I dropped it for a second and the top was the part that dropped in first
I took it out and shook it so the water would come out
It was working perfectly but the sound was quiet so i shook it more and it was louder but it doesn't really sound right. I turned it off and placed it vertically on a towel

I didn't turn it on yet, what should i do? I don't want to take it apart cause thats long and i didn't tell anyone about this yet. Can i call o2 and tell them about this to get a new iphone? I got it on the 23rd of Dec and they said i have a one year warranty. Would they give me a new phone?

Added (1). Should i leave it on the radiator for the night?

If you have insurance they should give you a replacement as its covered in the insurance

Couldn't be bothered to read all you long question. How long has it been wet? Dropped mine down the toilet and it took 3 days to fully dry now back to normal. In the mean time it wouldn't turn on then wouldn't work unless plugged in. Now as normal.

Try calling them to get a new one, if they don't give you one put it in a bowl of uncooked rice, that should help

I you put it in a bag of rice over night it should soak out the water but if it still doesn't work it would be a good idea phoning O2 and asking them about it

HURRY PUT IN IN A BIG BOWL OF RICE! THE RICE WILL ABSORB All THE WATER! Its crazy but it works! Leave it there for a few hours!

I would be inclined to leave it on the radiator over night which is what i have done before and it worked

1. Don't turn it on it may short out one of the circuits
2. Take the battery out
3. Wipe it
4. Get a Hoover and suck some water out
5. If its still wet soak in it a bowl of rice overnight (it will work) &put it somewhere warm.
Don't: put the hairdryer on it
Put in microwave
Or any type of heat like that

I had the same thing happen to me.fill a bag with uncooked white rice and place your phone in it, completly cover your phone with the rice and seal the bag.let you phone lay in the bag of rice to 4-5 days and do not touch or turn it on until the times up because that will cause the water to spread. The rice will absorb the water and it will be fine, my phone is still okspay and its been a year since it fell in thre lake. (p.s. The longer you lkeave your phone in the rice, the better this will work.)

Take the battery out
Wipe away any water you see
Keep the back off
Put it in raw rice and put it in the oven AT THE LOWEST SETTING and keep the door open.

No phones' warranties ever cover water damage. They won't shell out $100s because of your own mishap.

Don't turn it in the heat from it being on will make it worse not better put it in a bag of rice for 2-3 days the rice will soak up the water

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