Just jailbroke my iPhone 5 and Cydia is not working?

I just jailbroke my iPhone & iPad using evasi0n. Basically whenever I go into Cydia I get a bin2 error and whenever I try to download a Package on either device I get a 'invalid package size' message. I haven't added nor customized any sources, Cydia is just running as installed. Any ideas?

Added (1). Sorry I keep getting Size Mismatch too.

Your not supposed to jailbreak your phone

Just go on youtube and look for " cydia fix" or "cydia not working" you'll find it and it'll show you step by step how to do it. I'm pretty sure you just re download cydia

Same thing here, can someone tell me what's going on? Is it suppose to do that? If i download something, it will run so slow and most of the time itll give error message or size mismatch, please help

Cydia is currently taking a lot of traffic, so no one can access it because of the boom in the amount of people trying to use it after jailbreaking. You can however be notified when Cydia is back up using this website.


The website you want to be up is "http://cydia.saurik.com". Just punch in your email and it will tell you when cydia is back online!

Hope this helps

Bradley Duncan

I'm having the same problem. I jailbroken my iphone 5 earlier and I can't download any packages. I can only download ringtones. I keep getting this internal error message.

Cydia is too busy will all the new jailbreakers, people like yourself. Its not working well for anyone. You can either just keep trying or wait a day or two. If you are desperate you can get up at about 2 am and try it. Less users will have it working again.

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