Kik? Could I get in trouble?
My dad downloaded kik on his iphone for me to use and I get on omegle and find people to talk to. Well if they turn out wanting dirty pictures or you know things in that nature I block them and delete the conversation. I say sorry no I'm not into that kind of stuff, bye. Can I get in trouble for "sexting" or something because they send dirt messages sometimes? I never say anything like that back.
Added (1). Sorry, I didn't mean to put it under this category
No. Your perfectly fine. If you say nothing sexual back, you are in no trouble.
Yes you could, you could get into major trouble acually
Why did you post this in the "home schooling selection of Y/A"?
Yes, your dad could end up busting you.
- On KIK messenger if someone is still logged on their app but has the KIK window minimized and I send a message, will it go right to solid D? I have KIK messenger and if I send a message to a particular person with an Iphone who always has their phone on and logged in (but the window closed/minimized from hitting the home button in spite of them still being logged in), would it still turn to a solid D instead of a faded D because they're still logged onto KIK but their app window is minimized? Is faded D only used if the person has KIK but is logged out?
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