Laptop won't connect to Wi-Fi?

I was given a laptop and its nice (HP G7000) except it will not connect to the home Wi-Fi. It connects to my IPhones Internet and a friends Wi-Fi. So it's not the laptop. I've tried turning the Wi-Fi on and off but nothing. My iPad and iPhone work on the Wi-Fi the same with my sister and parents they've all got something connected to the Wi-Fi. I had the laptop checked and he said it wasn't the driver.

It's wireless LAN drivers are not working so try to reinstall them and after that try to connect it with internet.

I'm not sure why thats happening but if you're getting really annoyed with it then you could connect an Ethernet cable to the laptop this means that the internet goes straight into your laptop.

Cross-check the security key on the laptop with the iPhone to see if they are identical.
You may also have the choice of various channels on the Hub. If so, it's trial and error to see which channel works best.

Your laptop only has a wireless G adapter, if your home Wi-Fi is wireless N (a later version) it won't see the wireless network

You can buy a cheap USB Wi-Fi dongle and plug that in and you should be fine

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