Light brown discharge 2-3 days before period? Normal?

My last period was on July 30 - August 3 and my cycle is usually about 25-28 days. My menstrual calendar app on my iPhone indicates that my next expected period will be on Sunday (August 26).

Also, i had unprotected sex (no contraceptives but he did pull out each time), on the 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, and 22 of this month. However on the 19, 21, and 22 he finished inside me (which was 7-9dpo). Just today i noticed light brown spotting in my panty liner. When i wiped, there was nothing. I never had brown discharge before a period since i got my period for the first time in 6th grade.

Could this be a sign that i'm getting my period soon? Or is it implantation bleeding? I can't see a doctor, at least not any time soon. I have an hpt still in the box, when could i test? My breast were tender this morning and has been sensitive to touch for the past 3-4 days. Also i've been having back pains, but that could be because of my exercises i recently started doing.

You could probably test any time now. Or you could test on Sunday or Monday if you miss.

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