Looking for the name of a specific cooking game on iPhone App that I forgot? Starts in airplane, you pick male or female chef?
I'm trying to find the name of an iPhone App restaurant/cooking game I used to play a few years ago on my iPhone.
It starts with 2 chefs in uniforms in an airplane and you pick either the male or female to be the chef you use, then they drop out of the airplane and the game begins.
The practice round is in a fast food restaurant with a soda fountain with fake drink names (e.g. "Drink Drink" but it has a Coke logo resemblance and so forth) and burgers you fry and fries you cook, etc., then the next round is a diner with various foods, breeding, frying, etc., then in higher rounds there are full blown restaurants with intricate foods. It's a whole miniature town. It was on an iPhone App about 4-5 years ago, I'm trying to remember the name.
The only one I know is Diner Dash.
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