LOST my iPhone at school, is there anyway i could find it? O?
Was wondering if i could track it or something?:/ i lost it in the snow!
Lost and found? No there aren't any apps of any sort that actually 'tracts' down your phone. Sorry.
Hopefully you have installed the find my iphone app and synced it to your itunes account. If so you go onto your computer and open the program and it will tell you where your phone is. Although chances are the phone has moisture in it now and is no longer working… Sorry.
Tell the principal, or in my school what we do is tell our school officer and he announces to everyone if anyone has the phone they should return it and get a reward for it
Why does a kid need an Iphone anyway?
- My iPhone just got stolen and i didn't put on Find my iphone. Is there a way i can find it without find my iphone? I have found out that i can remove my iphone from associated devices. Does doing this erase the iphone?
- Is there anyway to track or find someone's location using an iPhone? We both have iPhones but neither of us have any happy. They are hiding from trouble and I need to find them I know this sounds dumb But like know how on tv when someone calls the police for someone calling them (like on a stranger calls) they say they can find their location if they stay on the line for 30 seconds? Well can I do this some how? I just really need to know where they are! I know their phone number and their cell phone provider
- Is there anyway to track my phone without Find My Iphone? I recently lost my phone. I tried using Find My Iphone but location services were off and my phone was also shut down. If anyone knows how to track an iphone's location without having location services on please help!
- Is there anyway I could put songs off my blackberry onto my iPhone? Considering the fact iPhones don't use memory cards I hardly have any songs and I want to transfer some from my blackberry to my iPhone