Magicjack iphone app error 20? - 1

I have a problem with my iphone 4 magicjack, I removed it and then installed the updated version.
Then i tried opening it but it can't connect. It says network connection fauilure [error 20] but my network is working fine.

I tried logging into my magicjack account and i renewed my subscription for one year but i still get this error message.

How to solve this

Contacting magic jack support would be the best option

Most likely your account has expired. I received the same message and renewed the account for another year. The FREE accounts do expire and are required to be renewed. Cost for basic is still $0.00 (free).

Log into, with your email address and MJ password.

Select "Phone Numbers" tab
Select "View - Renew - Add"
Under "Device Status" select "Add a Year"
Select "Stay Basic" for the free account with a magic number
On the green bar select "Checkout now" (highlighted in yellow)
Prices should all be $0.00, then select "Complete My Order"

Restart the APP on your device and it should work.

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