Making retina display graphics?
I'm making an app for the iPhone, code wise I'm doing well but graphic wise I'm having some trouble. I can't seem to get my graphics to be crisp and clean like all the other graphics on retina display. How do I make my graphics look good on the iPhones (I'm targeting the 4/4S) screen. I'm using GIMP to make my graphics, can I just increase the resolution in GIMP and will that make them retina worthy? Do I have to completely redo an image to make it retina, or can I just increase the resolution on the original image? I'm really new to resolution/pixels in general, so I really don't know what I'm dealing with.
A retina display on the iphone 4 is 960×640 pixels. That is the actual resolution of the display (approx 0.6 megapixels). The resolution of a digital image is measured in the number of pixels. Forget the PPI/DPI resolution settings - these are the output resolution, nothing to do with the actual resolution.
If you don't understand the output resolution (PPI/DPI) and how it relates to pixels, then you need to read this: The Myth of DPI - this site is basically catering to the digital photographer, but the same applies to all raster images (made of pixel). There's tons of information on the site, and good advice to avoid the common mistakes beginners often make.
What you need to do is start with an image that the exact size of the screen of the device you are designing the graphics for. In GIMP click File > New > insert the width and heigh in pixels. Then design the artwork at that size.
If you start off with an image smaller than those dimensions and try increase the resolution later by rescaling it up, then you will degrade the quality of the image and it will look blurry. If you start off with an image that is larger than those dimensions and you rescale the image down, then you will also get problems with clarity.
The same thing happens in all raster image editing software including Photoshop - because raster images are made of pixels. Rescaling raster images always degrades their quality.
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