Metric system is so dumb why would people use it?

If 1 km = 10000m then why does 1km^2 = 1 million m2

China uses the metric system - and we pay them less than $1 an hour to make us Iphones - doesn't that tell you something

This again?

If you can't figure out the metric system, it's not the system that is stupid. Hint.

Both the metric and imperial systems have a place. Metric is great for science and engineering. The Imperial system is better for day to day usage most of the time. The wise person can use both and is adept at conversions.

That's nothing to do with the metric system, its maths and geometry.

Exactly the same thing happens in imperial/customary.

For example: 1 mile = 1760 yards and 1 mile^2 = 3.098 x 10^6 yards^2

It seems odd to single out China when there are only three countries in the world who HAVEN'T officially adopted the metric system. Even in the US, metric is widely used in science, engineering, medical and technical fields.

"At this time, only three countries-Burma, Liberia, and the US-have not adopted the International System of Units (SI, or metric system) as their official system of weights and measures." We should point out that even these three countries do use elements of the metric system.Apr 1, 2014

Because there are only 3 nations on earth which don't use the metric system. It's actually dumb for us not to.

It tells me that weights and measures have nothing to do with economics.

There are only three countries on Earth that do not use the metric system. There's a lot more people on this planet that are able to use metric than imperial. Also, comparing economics and geometry makes you look dumb.

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