Mixed signals from crush in high school

I thought he liked me a lot till the other day I walked to school for the first time (which he always does) I thought he'd be happy but he just rolled his eyes and started picking lint from his shirt and playing angry birds on his iPhone. He looks at me all the time and walks past my sitting area at morning tea and lunch and listens in on our convo's.

He even doesn't talk to girls in front of me as he thinks I'll get jealous. He also told his friends as they nudge him whenever he walks past. I'm just wondering why when I get so close he plays with his hair or pulls out his phone and fiddles around, how do I get past his shyness to have a proper conversation with him as I like him.

Boys are confusing and if he acts like he doesn't like you or ignores you don't give him the time of day be with someone who would show you off like a prize at school like my boyfriend will hangout with me at school and ditch his friends to sit with me and mine and he will kiss me and hold hands with me at school and in front of his friends and he is always like yupp sam is my girlfriend he makes me feel like a princess and I'm only in the 9th grade you should be with someone like that not someone who ignores you and makes you feel like he doesn't like you

Try teasnig him a little bit about his shyness