Modeling portofolio VS iPhone 6 plus?

I really want an iphone but i still really want to get a modeling portofolio. For those who don't know what that is, it is a book of various pictures of you that you need in order to show to companies looking for models and modeling agencies.
I want to start my modeling career but i also really want a phone. I have the money for only one. And by the time i'm a model and actually make money regularly might be in the year 2025
Haha so umm what would you do in this situation?

What's your priority?
Do you think you have what it takes to be a model?
I'd choose neither tbh. IPhones are rubbish and modelling isn't a career path that many succeed in. Too many girls think because they're slim and over 1.75m they have a chance at modelling. The answer is no! You have to have the look, quirky, classic, beautiful bone structure, possibly no piercings, tattoos etc…

Modeling portofolio because if you get hired you can buy an iPhone 6 plus after. So you would have landed a gig and you got your iPhone win win.

If you re a model material by the year 2025 you will be retired as a model

Get the iphone. Your chances of making it big in modeling is slim to none - its a highly competitive field

Get whichever would benefit you most, i'm assuming you probably have an iphone 6 or 5 or a phone of some sort, so a portfolio seems for important than a stupid phone