Music Box won't work off Cydia?

I downloaded MusicBox off of Cydia Monday after the new IOS 6.1 jailbreak by evasion dropped for iPhone 4S. I downloaded music box and downloaded songs for about 2 or 3 days. Then I went back to download more songs and when I go to search for an artist or song it pulls up a blank screen where all my music options should be. I have tried respringing my phone, I have removed it and redownloaded it, and I have tried just simply reinstalling it. It won't work on my 3G or Wi-Fi. Any help?

Sam, the person above me tried to post an answer with a link to a site that will just make you fill out surveys and won't help. He did this on another post 5 minutes ago. Don't listen to it.

This is EXACTLY what is happening to me. Has been like that for a few days. I don't think it's just you, I think the app's having a problem. Maybe if we all wrote to the creator…

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