My 10 year old daughter is being bad and constantly has an attitude

She talks back time constantly and makes fun of her 7 year old brother because he had 2 baby teeth pulled. She also has phase 1 braces and I have to nag her to brush and floss her teeth. She also won't clean her room unless I force her and help her or do it myself. She also threw a tantrum because I wouldn't buy her clothes from aeropostale. She is already starting puberty and is so moody and irritable constantly. I took her bedroom door, tv, tablet, and iPhone away because she kicked and punched her brother last night. She will get those things back on Wednesday and she can get ready in the bathroom in the mornings. I told her that the door, tablet, tv, and iPhone are privilideges, not rights. She screamed "you can't take my door away, it is not fair." I told her that the bathroom is for privacy. She is so disrespectful like she will say "shut up talking to me hoe." What is wrong with her? She also craves junk food a lot.

Don't worry, give it a few years and she'll be a teenager. Then you'll be looking back at this time as the easier part.
I have no words of help but that.

You sound like a good parent (punishing her when she acts out) but once you can't get your kid to stop bluntly disrespecting you, you should send them away, not adoption, I mean some kind of boot camp. With a kid like her, you are not tough enough of a parent if your kids are comfortable enough to curse you out like you are another kid. You failed to establish your level of authority despite not rewarding bad behavior. I remember as a kid I was bad but when it came to cursing around my parents, even if they told me too, I'd hesitate like a *****. I mean she's only 10, you are too nice/tolerate or something. I would say start hitting her if you don't want to send her away but she may hit you back, lol. If she does, definitely send her away.

OK. The minute I read "I took her… Tablet and iPhone away". I understood exactly what is happening.

YOU have created an entitled monster. NO ten year old on earth has ANY need for their own tablet OR smartphone. It's obvious that you give your kids way too much independence and freedom and not near enough responsibilities and discipline. Your kid calls you a hoe? And doesn't get a slap? THAT is the problem. She needs to be PHYSICALLY punished. A slap is a rude awakening. And she desperately needs one.

Your daughter is a spoiled brat who thinks the world owes her a living, pal. That's what's wrong with her. If she were my kid, she'd have a sore rear end right now, she wouldn't have access to ANY electronics ( not even ordinary TV or the radio) and she'd be prohibited from leaving the house except to go to school. This is a kid who needs DISCIPLINE, badly. But you're not the one to give her that. Instead, you're too busy trying to be her friend instead of her PARENT. Parenting is a tough job, pal. It's always been hard work. And if you don't do a good job, your kid pays the price, and so do you.

"What is wrong with her?"
You. You're what's wrong with her. Obviously you haven't parented her before. If you would have raised her right the last ten years this wouldn't be an issues

You've been spamming these stories about your "daughter" for months. One would think you'd either give up or figure it out by now. But then, trolls rarely do.

Take away her the electronics for one day each time she has an attitude. If she shows attitude while it's gone, then add an extra day. Frankly, I think a 10-year-old is too young for a phone anyway.

Stop keeping the junk food in the house.

Read 1-2-3 Magic to learn how to give her good attention when she's good and NO attention when she's bad.

Don't give in to her tantrums.