My apple ID doesn't exist anymore?

When I tried logging into iTunes it kept saying my password was wrong when I entered it. I was pretty sure it was right but I thought I might have changed it considering I had changed my e-mail password recently. So naturally I went to reset my password and asked them to send me an e-mail with a reset link. They never did so I asked them to send a code to my phone which they didn't do either. The next thing I tried was clicking on the link that said forgot apple ID. Just because I thought it couldn't hurt, but when I entered my apple ID in along with my name (which I know is right!) it said ipthere was no apple ID with that name which exists! Or something like that! I also forgot to mention I tried answering the security qypuestion where it asked me for my birthday and it said that it was wrong, but I know it wasn't because obviously I know my own birthday! Please help I can't think what to do! I'm still logged into ITunes on my iPhone 3GS but when I try to download something it asks me for my password again which brings me back to square one! Any answers or suggestions are appreciated!

How about contacting Apple support?

I'm having the exact same problem. I called support & they had me set up new account. The rep said all my info would still be there. I doubted it. I was right. I finally got cut off from the rep while she was trying to talk to a senior rep. Now I can't get back through & I'm so frustrated I want to throw every piece of Apple I have out the window.