Omg so i was on my iphone and i was so distracted, but then i see my cat on the unreachable ceiling fan? Like can you not. So my parents arent here so i don't know how 2 get it down. Its purring like um, crazy? Can cats climb down sticks or something? Cuz i don't want my parents to come home to see our cat on the fan.
p.s. If i turn it on will it fall off? I'm not good with science haha.
so, um, thanks.

Turn it on, and it will jump down, just set it too slow so it doesn't hit it while its jumping

Just get a ladder out and take him off…

Tell the cat to use their emergency parachute - That's why they carry it…

This is quite funny… Don't you have a plastic garden chair outside you can grab and bring it in and stand on it? If not then maybe turn the fan on slowly and get ready to catch

Turn it on he will jump off if you set it on slow, if you set it on high he will A. Be really dizzy and not come down, or get thrown off and get really hurt, probably kill him.

Don't turn on the fan, that's likely to cause him injury.

Get a squirt bottle of water and spray it at the cat, or get a can of air freshener and squirt it at the cat, or put some water in a cup and throw the water (not the cup) at the cat so the water hits him. He will jump down quickly. You could always stand on a chair, reach up, grab him, and bring him down that way too. Knocking him off with a broom would be another way to remove him from the fan.

He's enjoying himself way up there. If he can get up, he can get down. How much does he weigh? Won't the fan break under his weight anyway?

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