My iphone 3 broke what should i do?

My iphone 3 got some sweat in the recharger part of it and would not recharge whenever i plugged it in it said it was a unsupported recharging device something like that so the battery finally ran out should i bring it to the store or buy a iphone 4 online and if so what website could i go to buy one i have a two year contract with at&t 10 points to whoever give the most useful info!

Have you tried using another charger? If that doesn't work then what would you prefer, a new iPhone or the one you have now? If you like the iPhone 3 more then just repair it. But it depends on how much it would cost to repair it and if they could repair it. It would be a waste of money if it costs more or a little less then the iPhone 4, because why wouldn't you want a newer and better phone?

Hey there's some problem with your charger cause my friends iphone gave this cause his was charger was not original then he purchased original charger and problemo was gone check you charger

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