My iPhone 3GS doesn't have a video camera?

I bought my iPhone 3G S secondhand and i don't have the old owners number anymore. I realised my iPhone doesn't have a video camera, like when you click the camera built-in app it usually has an option at the bottom to swap between camera and video camera, but mine only has the camera? I've looked all over my settings to see if i could enable it or something but there's nothing that helps. There's no questions or help about it on the Internet so it hasn't happened to many others and i don't know where to get help. Does any one know if there's a way to fix this. Please please please, I need to use the video camera for school trip next week

Added (1). Thanks, I've realised it's not a 3GS it's a 3G, I was tricked when I bought it haha:/ thanks, I've downloaded some of the video camera apps and they've helped a lot

Update the software i think: O

As far as I can remember the 3gs doesn't have Video recording via the Iphone camera. If you go on to the app store and download Cycorder, Video genius that will enable you to record video through the app. I'll post a link below for a few more other apps that may or may not work better than the ones i said. Hope this helps.

Are you sure as the IP3GS DOES HAVE A VIDEO CAMERA
The similar looking IP3 does NOT
If the maximum resolution you can get is 2MP you have an IP 3

Here are the above 2 discontinued phones

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