My iPhone 3GS will not find any Wi-Fi networks?

Recently my iPhone stopped finding any Wi-Fi networks. I was not dropped or exposed to water it just stopped. I have tried reseting the network settings on the phone, i have tried a factory reset, i have reset it through iTunes, i have updated the software (it didn't work before and after). I have amended the settings on my router and reset both the router and the phone at the same time. I have tried using aeroplane mode with Wi-Fi on and i have tried to connect it to multiple Wi-Fi networks. Once it did connect to my uncles network when i entered the SSID name manually with the password. It stayed connected for one minute and then it disconnected.

Any help will be appreciated as i need this phone for both work and my personal life and Wi-Fi is the nay thing stopping me from receiving a huge data bill.

Go to apple store to find out.

I'm pretty sure it's time for a new iPhone lol:/