My iphone 4 was stolen and found, why would I have to pay pawn shop?

My iphone 4 was stolen from a subway(Ocoee, Florida) restraunt since then it has been found pawned in a pawn shop in Orlando, Florida. I'm being told I have to pay $50 to get it back from pawn shop, is this right? Is this a law to protect pawn shops losses from accepting stolen property?

Who told you you have to pay $50? What do the police say. They are the ones you need to talk to.

If a pawn shop ended up with your phone, they were receiving stolen property.
Speak to the police - your property is your property, and you are due it back, no matter where it's been in the meantime.

Take the cops to the store with you. If you can prove it is your phone then they must give it to you.

No, the police just go to the shop and retrieve it. If the shop refuse then they arrest them for receiving stolen goods.

The pawn shop is guilty of a felony for accepting stolen property. I'd call the FBI.

NO it is not right! Not all, but many pawn shops operate by selling stolen goods. It is like "finders keepers losers weepers". I have been in the same situation, though the stakes were much more than a $50.00 cell phone.
Do yourself a favor. Pay the ransom and go on down the road. More than likely you have no idea of who or what you are dealing with. The Squeaky wheel does not always get the grease. Often they get trashed.