My iphone 4 won't connect to Wi-Fi it tells me to log in?

Ok so i just downloaded OS6 for my ihpone 4 and like when i try to connect to Wi-Fi it forwards me to the apple homepage telling me to log on but it doesn't give me anything to log onto: S

Same problem here

I have the same problem with iOS 6! I've iphone 4S

Me as well

Same here. Must be a bug.

Same problem here. It was working when i first updated.trying to call applecare now.still on the little menu where you hear the music so they must be swamped with calls about this more then likely

My MacBook does the same on the new 10.8.2.

I had the same problem and I just figured it out. You have to reset your all of your network settings. This means you will have to locate and type in the passwords to all of your favorite networks. Nonetheless it has worked so far.

Go to: Settings - General - Reset (at the bottom) - then click "Reset Network Settings

Connect to your network, type in the password, and you should be back to normal.

I re-started my phone then forgot your home (Wi-Fi) network then trying to login again and the apple login page was not found, I had just called Apple Tech support and I look at my phone and its connected and the login page does not pop up seems to be working

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