My iphone 4s doesn't have service when 3G is turned off?

My phone plan doesn't include a lot of data so i usually keep my 3G turned off. Occasionally i turn it on when i don't have access to Wi-Fi and need to use the internet. That happened to me while i was out and about and i briefly turned my 3G on. When i turned it off, i had no service anymore. I turned it back on and sure enough i had service! I tried restarting it but when the phone turned back on the 3G was automatically on again. How do i gain back the ability to have service while my 3G is off?

You can't get any service if you have turned off the 3g network. For example if someone were to text your number, you won't receive the message until you turn the service back on. But if it were another iphone user then thats a different story since it will use imessage to send messages from Wi-Fi or from the network

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