My Iphone 4S dropped in water what should I do?
Okay so last night I fell into the pool in a very stupid way and my iPhone was in my pants pocket, after 2 seconds I got out of the pool, it was on and working but I turned it off, dried it and only turned it back on today, it was all working BUT my flashlight is on 24/7(even when the battery dies) and my back camera is not working, what should I do? Should I go to apple store and talk to them? I've heard they won't do anything cause of that water dot sign that indicates it had water damages, but I did some research and if I rub some bleach on it, it will go white again, also so I just continue to use my phone? Or should put it on rice or something like that.
I'm thankful already =D
Find a box on instant rice place your phone immediately into the bag of rice and let it sit for 48 hours, otherwise your F***
- I dropped my iPhone in water, what should I do? I was at the pool and dropped my phone into the hot tub, then turned it on. It froze then went completely dead. Theirs a red light at the top of the phone that's on. Ps it's a 5s. I need help urgently what should I do? I don't want to have to get a new phone
- I dropped my Iphone in water - no water damage showing on indicator? Here is the situation. I dropped my Iphone 5 in the toilet (I hadn't peed yet so all good there). Immediately switched it off, dried it and put it in a bag of rice. This was at about 6 p.m yesterday. This morning without turning it on I opened up the sim compartment to check the circle for water damage (checked online and apparently this is where to check for water damage). The indicator was white. It is back in the rice but I was wondering - when you think it will be ok to turn back on?
- I dropped my iphone in water i dried it ans it works fine just that the volume is a little messed up. What should i do? I turned it off and placed it in rice but i'm tempted on turning it back on how long should i leave it in rice?
- I dropped my iPhone in water and now the screen won't turn on what should i do? It seems like the phone is still working because it still makes noise when I touch the buttons and my alarm still went off this morning but the screen is completely black. It is in rice now but is that still the best solution if everything is working except my screen? And I know I'm supposed to turn it off but I can't because the screen won't work.