My iPhone 4s's Facetime won't turn on

I have a data plan with cincinnati bell. My caller ID won't stay on either, everytime i turn it on, and hit the back button, i check to see if it's on and it automatically turns off. My iMessage & FaceTime also won't activate! I'm so mad, what do i do!

1. Update to the latest version of iOS.

2. Ensure that you have an active Internet connection. Check your Wi-Fi network using standard Wi-Fi network troubleshooting.

3. If you receive an error when signing in to your Apple ID, visit, sign in to your account, and ensure that the primary email address has been verified.

4. Ensure that FaceTime has not been restricted: Settings > General > Restrictions > FaceTime.
In Settings > General > Date & Time, ensure that Set Automatically is on. If Set Automatically is on, but the incorrect time zone is displayed, turn Set Automatically off and then choose the correct time zone, date, and time. Then turn Set Automatically on again.

5. Enable iMessage and FaceTime while connected to another Wi-Fi network in a different location.
If "Waiting for Activation" is displayed, leave FaceTime and iMessage enabled for 24 hours. Toggling FaceTime or iMessage off and on will cause the registration process to start over.