My iphone 4s screen quite working but sound and vibration works what should i do?

I was facebook then i put my phone to sleep and it just wouldnt turn every sense then i put it on the charger and it didn't hwelp so i tryed holding the home button and the lock button and it didn't help if you have anything that could hepl please tell me

Woah, woah, woah, were you typing in English there? I don't understand anything you're saying. I recommend going to the Apple Store for any problems since they have the best service there.

You have a problem with the screen. My friend had the same problem with his ipad. He had to buy a new ipad. You could try to buy a replacement screen and look up you tube videos on how to replace it if you don't want to take it in. If everything else is working, then it is definitely a broken screen, not the glass, but the pixels.