My Iphone 4s will not charge! - 1

My Iphone 4s won't charge, i've tried cleaning the port, soft reset, connecting it to my pc, and trying a different usb cord.none of that worked., and plus everytime i plug it into my computer it makes the connection sound but won't connect to itunes and i get a device not recognized!

Added (1). Update, its not the charger, i've tried two different chargers.

You'll have to buy a new charger.

Needs a new charger port, it may still be under warranty go to settings -general-about- look for the serial number Do if it is under warranty bring it to apple or send it and they will give you a new one long as no water damage or physical damage. If not bring it to a cell phone repair store

At this point you should take it to an apple store, I had a chord go bad but if you already checked that then I would just take it to them.