My iPhone 5 screen glass cracked?

I have a crack on my iPhone 5 screen, and want to get it replaced.
At most places, they charge 100~200 dollars to fix it. On eBay, I found this
But I was wondering if this is what I need to fix it. It says that no touch sensor/digitizer is included. What does this mean?

I suggest taking it to a professional. It may be too difficult to replace it on your own.

You are going to need one that says "iphone 5 lcd AND touch screen digitizer"… That was just the screen it wouldnt work without the digitizer. (look at the link in the source for the right screen), If you are good with electronics then go on youtube and look for a step by step tutorial on how to fix your iphone 5. (they charge a hundred dollars for labor so you know its not a piece of cake to fix)

Make sure you know what version your iphone is (cdma or gsm)