My iPhone 6 screen cracked and now it barely works?

I cracked my screen last week and now it barly works. When I try to tap somthing it won't tap. I have Verizon insurance but I was wondering if I go to a store in the mall that replaces screens will they also replace the censor? I already broke my first iPhone 6 while on insurance and I got a new one. What would be cheaper to do, verizon or a place at the mall

Take it to Verizon. They will inspect the entire device. They will give you a new censor a new screen, And anything else that needs fixed

What's the point of paying for insurance if you don't use it when you need to?

I assume you mean "sensor", a censor is a totally different thing. But I still don't understand what you mean by sensor. If you mean the screen digitiser then yes, the screen glass and digitiser come as a complete assembly. If you mean the fingerprint sensor then things get a little awkward because Apple ensure that the fingerprint sensor is uniquely paid to the motherboard, so fitting a new one will lose fingerprint detection altogether unless Apple replace it. Any decent insurance will cover that job being done by Apple.

Also, check your insurance policy. Most insurances finish if they pay out on a total loss of the insured item. Some will allow a certain number of claims. If they're still claiming monthly insurance premiums it could be an error and you might not have any valid phone insurance.