My iphone broke before the 2 year contract was up?

I just dropped my 3gs and the glass is completely demolished, and the screen only lights up white.

I'm on a family plan, and the next available upgrade isn't until June, so I'm trying to find away around that without paying hundreds of dollars.

I have AT & T and no insurance. I have a 3gs which I was able to get in March for $.01 with a 2 year contract. It hasn't been a year yet so does AT & T have any 1 year warranties or something?

Is there somewhere I can buy a used iphone for cheap w/o a plan and bring it to AT &T and have them use it as a replacement?

Anything else helpful… Please and thanks!

If you have the insurance on the phone it can be replaced. If not you can spend a few 100 dollars to get the screen fixed. Otherwise you're ***.

Haha! Should've got an Android!

Sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't try soft resetting your phone by holding down power and home button at same time when you see white screen go away keep holding till you see apple logo (thats if you didn't fry the lcd) works on water damaged iphones they might beable to get your phone working.
