My iphone can't connect to my mail server?

My iphone can't connect to my mail server?

Change the Mail Days to Sync field to No Limit.
Reset Network settings via Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
Disable iCloud. Navigate back to mail account and reset the password.
Delete the account and create it as a new account.

This is how to fix mobile browser issues

  • Why my iphone 5 will not connect to mail server? "Can't connect to mail server" After speaking to apple they told me its a Google problem and id have to contact them about this. I can't find a direct contact for them. I've had to delete my mail account and then put it back in so to access my mail. I have had to do this many times this past month. I have read forums that say to change to Gmail but i've had my Yahoo email ad for years and would prefer not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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