My iPhone fell in hot oil while some chicken was cooking at work. What should I do?

The screen has oil spots all over it and the screen is way darker. But the speakers and everything else works

Replace the phone.

Now you got a deep-fried iPhone…

Time to buy a new phone. There are no de-greasers for iPhones.

Seems like the screen got fried. LOL!

Sorry, I was just kidding. You might turn off the phone for a while and keep the phone standing for few hours so the oil is drained down through the speaker grills. Rice method won't work for oil. If the phone shows problem again, you might consider changing the screen.

Nice job of paying attention at work.

Grease isn't conductive, so the phone won't short out. Unfortunately, it also makes it almost impossible to repair.

Replace it unless you can live with the dark screen.

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