My iPhone might have sweat damage?

So I'm away at college, and have the flu/a fever. After talking/sweating on my phone for about an hour I went to sleep. Looking at it now it has a discolored area in one corner. (also i took my case off, and the back was still wet with sweat - gross!) Is this something I should be concerned about? I don't have bags of uncooked rice or anything to put it in, and I'm pretty sure I didn't buy the warranty (bad move, in retrospect)

Heres a picture I took with my webcam, so not good quality, but you can see the discoloration in the bottom right

Added (1). Also (again with the whole being away at college thing) there's no apple store around, and the verizon store is about a mile away, pretty far to walk in the winter with the flu

Added (2). Also (again with the whole being away at college thing) there's no apple store around, and the verizon store is about a mile away, pretty far to walk in the winter with the flu

Take it to the apple store and they'll find the problem and might fix it for free if you ave warranty

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