My iphone's battery finishs quickly?

Last week i bought iPhone 4S 32 gb. Two days ago I left it on charge too much. I don't know how many HOURS exactly at least three hours i guess. Anyway since then I have observed my iPhone's battery and it finishes more quickly. So I downloaded Battery Doctor and according to battery doctor my heal score is 5/5. What should I do? BTW I heard when you are iPhone's battery is 100%, it stops to charge. Is it true?

Yes. That is true. There's no going "past" 100%, it actually damages the battery even though it will look like it's still charging. When it's at 100% unplug it.

You probably have a number of running apps. Try double-clicking the "Home" button. Something from the bottom will pop up and show you that you have all these apps "running" even if you aren't using them right now. Hold your thumb down on one and they will wiggle and have red x's on them so you can stop the running app (it will not delete the app).It helps a whole lot with battery.

Also, if you are somewhere and you're battery is low but you have no place to charge your phone, go into settings and turn down the "brightness", which turns down the backlight. This helps the battery as well.

IPhones batterys are horrible, thats why I sold mine for $600. Android phone are better at consuming less battery, But the best OS is symbian: it runs apps in the backround and consumes the least amount of battery. You can get one cheap off ebay if you sell your iPhone like me.

My battery life is still great on iphone 3GS… I plug it overnight and never had an issue.

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