My iphone se rose gold 64 gb iOS 12.3.1 keeps restarting and with similar lines?
My iphone se rose gold 64 gb iOS 12.3.1 keeps restarting and with similar lines?
So do you have a question or what? Chances are that there's a hardware problem with the phone if it just keeps restarting. A cracked screen by itself wouldn't cause the phone to not work at all.
The display screen is obviously broken, and that can mean the touch-sensitive digitiser layer is also broken. The first won't cause restarts, the second can.
Get the screen replaced: a new screen assembly includes the display and digitiser as a single assembly. Note that cheap screens are more easily scratched, suffer more reflections, break more easily and can have uneven backlighting and colour reproduction, so a genuine Apple screen is worth it if you can afford one.
Replacing the screen does not guarantee fixing the restarting problem, but you can't diagnose the exact cause until the screen has been replaced, and that still remains the most likely cause of the fault.
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