My iphone went through the wash

Y mom decided to wash my sheets, and guess what? My phone was in there! About 15 minutes later i came out of my shower and noticed the sheets were gone. I asked my mom. "wheres my phone… " and she was like "OH… " then she got it out. I tried to turn it on nothing worked. And i heat it up a bit too and tried to charge it. I'm so worried! Will it work? I actually took my battery out and put it in rice and silica gel packets.
This was i was so worried that my iphone was dead that i reattached the battery and put it on the charger. There was no logo no nothing.except after a few seconds a shocking vibrate. Is this a good sign?

This happened to me except wit my ipod nano. The music was perfect but the screen was Very dark. In not definetly sure about the iphone though. And you must be really upset.

You're screwed. The battery isn't the issue. The phone has been damaged by the water. Time for a new one, Mom.

Water can screw up electronics… Probably destroyed it.

Too bad Applecare does'nt cover water damage or they would lose a lot of money because of a whole bunch of stupid people.