My mom is on her ipad all the time, and when I come in the family room and talk to her, she doesn't respond to me. Is this normal?

She s either working on it or watching youtube videos, usually with the ipad a few inches from her face. I say something to her, 3 sentences, and she will know I said something, but doesn't compute what I'm saying and won't respond. It's like I'm not even there. I feel this is really rude, and uncaring. Is this normal for people to behave like this? It's every day, all day, all the time. I know we re all glued to our ipads and iphones now but still? I feel there's a code of ethics and respect despite this.

She learned it from watching you on your phone 24/7/365.

No, its not normal, maybe you should email her if she's too much into her ipad, she might get the message

She has social skill problems!