My mom is on her ipad all the time, and when I come in the family room and talk to her, she doesn't respond to me. Is this normal?
She s either working on it or watching youtube videos, usually with the ipad a few inches from her face. I say something to her, 3 sentences, and she will know I said something, but doesn't compute what I'm saying and won't respond. It's like I'm not even there. I feel this is really rude, and uncaring. Is this normal for people to behave like this? It's every day, all day, all the time. I know we re all glued to our ipads and iphones now but still? I feel there's a code of ethics and respect despite this.
She learned it from watching you on your phone 24/7/365.
No, its not normal, maybe you should email her if she's too much into her ipad, she might get the message
She has social skill problems!
- Why did she give me her number if she won't respond back to me? I met a really cute girl last night and started talking and she was like I'm about to leave take my number so we swapped number hugged and she left and was like text me. So today I text her and saw that the text I sent was read (we both have an iPhone) and she never responded. She seemed interested in me. So i don't know why she just read my text and didn't text me. Why did she give me her number if she didn't reply to my text?
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- My mom died last year and now all of her pictures died too. Restore without iCloud? I'm in serious pain rn, please help me, I have no iCloud and all my pictures got deleted and are gone from my iPhone 6. This is all I have from my mom from last year, her last year, is there any chance I can download software on my computer even for money and get them back? Anyone who restore without iCloud?
- My mom and i got the same phone and same plan yet her internet loads all the time and mine never does? Two iPhone 7+. Same unlimited data plan. Yet literally no matter where I'm, nothing that uses data loads unless I'm connected to Wi-Fi. Yet my mom's internet loads no matter where she is. It's even happened that we're in the same place trying to load the same thing and hers loads while mine doesn't. Yes, I have my data turned on. I've made sure all my data settings are identical to my mom's. So i really don't know what could be causing this.