My mom tracks my phone using Find my iPhone. I need to go somewhere without them knowing. Is there any way to freeze or change my location?

I'm 19, have my own car, pay for my phone myself, and go to college 4 hours from home. I need to go home and back this weekend without my parents knowing because they are very critical and judgemental of me going home so often. I don't want to leave my phone at my college dorm because I may need it on my 8 hour drive, and I would rather not jailbreak my phone but am open to that if there's no other option.

Your parents will find out when the baby arrives. Mystery solved.

Disconnect yourself from your iCould family. This means they can't see it anymore but they will know you left. Or put the phone on airplane mode

You need to get another phone so she can't track it, and go stay sornewhere else when youre not in school, she's too controlling

Leave your phone home if you want to escape detection.

You are 19 - almost (but not quite) an adult. Your parents want to know you are safe and can check where you are via your phone. You obviously want to see someone close to home who they disapprove of but are scared of their reaction. This shows you aren't yet an adult. Don't be without a phone for emergencies on your travels.

Get another phone.

I thought about this for several minutes and finally concluded your best option might be to leave the phone alone and just tell the truth. There's one possible exception.

The problem is there are risks involved no matter what you do. Even if you pay for the phone yourself (on your own plan), there are still things they can do if you mess with that phone and they figure it out. If you're on their plan and your reimburse them, all they have to do is drop your number from the plan.

My possible idea is if you could lie and tell your parents someone offered you a ride because they're going home, too, and your city is on their way. They want the company. That's the closest I got, but a lot can go wrong.

PS - Also, this assumes their main objection is gas money. If they're worried you're hurting your college life by hanging out too much with your boyfriend, that's very different.

You're 19. Tracked or not, you can do whatever you want.
If you don't answer their call, you can't hear them complain.

Sure, just leave your phone at home.

Get a new phone.