My mum has an Apple Iphone 6 which she told me I can have, how do I change icloud email address and transfer pictures from my phone to hers?
I have an Iphone 5s and I've had it for 5 years now. It's gone pretty slow now and it keeps turning on and off sometimes by itself so I want to sell that.
My mum has an Iphone 6 that she said I can keep because she has two mobile phones. She does not use her iphone that much and there aren't even any numbers or photos on her phone, she just uses it to play games and watch YouTube videos =/
I want to keep my mums number on her iphone, change the icloud email address AND transfer all my photos from my iphone 5s into her iphone 6.
How do I do that?
Please provide details and info.
Also, if you don't get what I'm saying, let me know.
Added (1). EDIT: Is backing up on itunes free?
Well as far as the number that should just be a matter of keeping the SIM in it now, though of course that would also involve people having to get your new number.
As far as the rest, just backup your 5s, restore the 6 & then restore from backup on the 6 using the backup of the 5s. All of this is done through iTunes. You'd see the options in the File menu.
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